Date: 08/08

Location: IGMAN - MALO POLJE, Sarajevo

Usljed aktuelne epidemiološke situacije i propisanih mjera nadležnih službi, utrka Red Bull 400 na Igmanu - prvobitno planirana za 8. august - odgađa se za sljedeći bezbjedan datum. Prijavljeni svoje prijave mogu prenijeti na novi datum ili dobiti puni povrat novca.

Obzirom na trend rasta broja zaraženih koronavirusom i restrikcije okupljanja na otvorenom prostoru, organizatori su donijeli odluku da utrku odgode do idućeg bezbjednog datuma, kako bi prvi bosanskohercegovački Red Bull 400 event zasjao punim sjajem.
U saopštenju su naglasili da je bezbjednost takmičara i posjetilaca na prvom mjestu, te zahvalili svima na razumijevanju. Novi datum održavanja utrke će biti objavljen u medijima i putem Red Bullovih kanala, u skladu s razvojem situacije.

Svi do sada registrovani takmičari svoje prijave mogu zadržati za novi datum utrke ili dobiti puni povrat novca. Sve što trebaju uraditi jeste da svoju odluku emailom pošalju na najkasnije do 15.8.2020. godine.

Prva Red Bull 400 utrka u Bosni i Hercegovini, koja se trebala održati 8.8.2020. na Malom polju na Igmanu, pobudila je veliko interesovanje ljubitelja sportskih izazova i trčanja u prirodi. Organizatori su svima zahvalili, te izrazili uvjerenje da će u boljim vremenima koja dolaze svi skupa uživati u ovoj utrci.

Red Bull 400, koja s pravom nosi epitet „najtežih 400 metara koje ćete ikad pretrčati“, uključuje iscrpljujući uspon uz skakaonicu za ski skokove. Nastala 2011. u Austriji, ubrzo je prerasla u međunarodno takmičenje koje privlači veliki broj učesnika.
Sve informacije o utrci i novom terminu održavanja bit će dostupne na


Safety first: Red Bull 400 race is postponed


All registered competitors can choose to either keep their registration for a later date, or get a full refund.


Due to current epidemiological situation and protective measures put in place by the authorities, Red Bull 400 race at Igman, which was planned for 8 August, is postponed for later date. Those who have registered already can choose to transfer their registration to the later date, or get a full refund.

Keeping in mind the trend of increasing Covid-19 cases and restrictions put in place for open space events, organisers have made the decision to postpone the race until a more appropriate time, so that the first Red Bull 400 event in Bosnia and Herzegovina will fully shine.

In their press release they have emphasised that safety of all competitors and audience is their first priority and thanked everyone for their understanding. New event date will be announced in the media and through Red Bull communication channels when the situation allows it.

All registered competitors can keep their registrations for the later date or can get a full refund. All they have to do is notify of their decision via e-mail by 15 August 2020.

First Red Bull 400 race in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which stirred great interest with trail runners and sport enthusiasts, was supposed to be held at Malo Polje, Igman, on 8 August 2020. Organisers would like to thank everyone and are sure that together they will all enjoy this event at another time.

Red Bull 400 is a race that is rightfully described as "the hardest 400m race you will ever run" as it includes a gruelling run up the ski jump ramp. It was first created in Austria in 2011 and has since grown into an international competition that attracts a large number of participants.

All information about the race and the new date will be available at


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